Fine Custom Furniture
As a second generation woodworker, my love and appreciation for wood was fostered at a young age. My parents, Paul and Bonnie Rung, owned Llewellyn House Furniture specializing in Shaker and Colonial reproduction. I was immersed in the lifestyle of a craftsman throughout my childhood. As an adult, that experience provided me with the foundation in which to go forth and create my own diverse portfolio.
For almost 30 years I have been building beautiful, functional, and ecologically responsible pieces for my clients. A huge range of projects have passed through my hands throughout my career. Having the opportunity to create and collaborate on so many interesting projects has given me a feeling of deep gratitude both for my clients and my craft.
After living and honing my craft in Philadelphia for 15 years, my family and I have moved back to my hometown of Chambersburg, PA.
My design perspective is a blend of my early traditional training , urban experiences, and a lifetime of appreciating beautiful things.